Blog — recipe
Jerk Chicken Wings with Linseed Chia Bread
australia jerk chicken linseed chia bread rawspicebar recipe

We are all about quality food that is easy to make and tastes amazing. We have discovered some delicious food that is easy to make when you are in a hurry but don’t want to eat oil laden fast food. Enjoy making and eating this Jerk Chicken with Linseed Chia Bread. Jerk Chicken Wings Ingredients RawSpiceBar’s Scotch Bonnet Jerk 1 onion chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced Juice of 1 lemon 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp brown sugar 700gm chicken wings 6 tbsp vegetable oil Directions Remove chicken from fridge and let it come to room...
5 Ingredient Bread
bread gluten free healthy melbourne recipe

This has to be the easiest bread you will ever find. Not only does it only have 5 ingredients, but you don't need to wait for it to rise and you have a choice of different flavours! So how do you make 5 Ingredient Bread? Just keep reading. Ingredients: 1 packet of Get Ya Yum On Bread Mix 3 large eggs 1/2 cup Greek Yoghurt 6 TBSP of melted Coconut Oil 1 TSP Cider Vinegar That is all you need to make delicious, healthy fresh bread! Making it is even easier, there are only FOUR steps! Baking Instructions: Preheat...
Koko Vanilla Cupcakes
australia cupcakes koko samoa measina melbourne recipe vanilla

Hands up if you are busy!? We are all very busy doing our own things. This weekend I need to make delicious goodies for a hen’s party, get my son ready and off to scout camp, write my blog and do my other work stuff as well as prepare for the market of the year. Being that we are all time poor and if you are like me lacking in the Martha Stewart baking skills department, then this recipe is what you need to add a touch of Samoa to your next baking experience. I am proud of the fact...